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If you're a Healer, Intuitive, Empath, Yogi, or any flavor of Light-worker, keep reading below. This will change your entire life and business.

Cotton Flowers

Ground & Elevate

21 Days. 21 Rituals.

Shift from Personal Energy to Universal Energy for Hi-Vibe Days.

You might be an Empath.

Are you an empath, intuitive, healer or coach - and you feel energetically drained almost every day?


You don't want your own energy to get tapped out


From burning out to burning clean.


Do you desire to help others in a deep way - but you haven't learned how to clear, protect, ground and elevate your energy?


Do you find that you are constantly feeling anxious, nervous, or fearful and you don't know why? Because you might be an empath and taking on other people's stress and negative emotions without even knowing you're doing it.


Do you feel physical or emotional pain in your own body when you see others in pain, or even when someone describes a painful or hurtful situation to you?


Do you find it hard to be in social situations because you can sense low vibe energies of certain people who you're surrounded by, or the environment you're in?


Are there people in your life that you feel physically tired, or low energy, when you're around them, and even when you leave them you still feel drained when they are not around you anymore?

Darling, you might be an Empath.

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Created by Supriya Venkatesan,
Founder & CEO at


Over 21 in-depth rituals, journaling prompts, video sessions, and energy summoning routines, I´ll be breaking down what you need to strengthen your energy field, guard your power, and tap into an unlimited resource of universal source energy so you can feel your best, show up in your divine light and move through the world in the most empowered way. 

If you´re a spiritual coach, healer, empath or lightworker, this course teaches you the proper tools to protect your energy and use source energy to heal other people. 

I get it, because I was there.


My whole life, I always had a 6th sense, but I never know what it was. I could sense something....else.

I would know what people were thinking and feeling without them even telling me. I could never watch gory movies, or even 'funny' shows where people fall over becuase I felt physical pain seeing those people in pain.

When I would be in certain situations, I would feel an energetic drain. And I never knew what it was.

When I started my coaching business, that's when things got really real for me. After working with some of my toughest clients- I would experience this feeling of 'heartbreak' for weeks or even months after working with them.

Being someone who is in tune with my feelings, and vibration, I knew something was off.

That's how I discovered that I was a full-on empath, and that because I never learned the proper tools to protect my energy, and use divine source energy- I was instead healing other people with my own energy.



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That's how I discovered that I was a full-on empath, and that because I never learned the proper tools to protect my energy, and use divine source energy- I was instead healing other people with my own energy.


I was sucking the life out of me because of my passion to help other people. I asked my guides to support me, and I was guided to the answers I needed. I discovered that we create esoteric (energetic) cords with EVERY-SINGLE-PERSON we come in contact with.


Yes, even your mom, your ex boyfriend, your co-workers, and your coaching clients. ALL OF THEM. And if these people are draining, then they can be draining our energy from us, even when they are miles and miles away from us. I went all in to learn techniques to help me understand my energy, cut the energetic cords that were attached to particularly draining clients and people in my life- and everything changed for me.


I could get up earlier in the morning. I felt better about myself, and the work I was doing. And the tension headaches and feeling of heartbreak was removed.


I've been guided to show more people how important managing your energy, especially as a healer, coacher and lightworker is, and share my unique practices that I use in my practice to keep my energy levels high-without caffeine.

Ready to understand how you can protect, ground, and elevate your energy so you can still support the people you care about from a place of high service, while hanging on to your magic?


Then you're in the right place.



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The Energetically Protected, Grounded, and Elevated Rituals Training 


Become Fully Grounded. Protect Your Precious Energy.Elevate Your Vibration. Rituals for coaches, empaths, healers, lightworkers and sensitives. Over 21 in-depth rituals, journaling prompts, video sessions, and energy summoning routines I'll be breaking down what you need to strengthen your energy field, guard your power, tap into an unlimited resource of universal source energy so you can feel your best, show up in your divine light and move through the world in the most empowered way. When You Join  The Energetically Protected, Grounded, and Elevated Rituals Training  you'll get:


  • Methods to measure your frequency and vibration, so you know what level your energy is at, what that means for you and everything you are manifesting into your life

  • A guide of the energy centers in your body, and how to identify where you have dense or stuck energy in your body

  • Energetic self-care tools to integrate to your daily rituals to show you how powerful you really are, and introduce you to the energetic power that is already flowing through you

  • Ritual to cut the energetic cords of people in your life who are draining your energy, even when you don't even know it's happening to you RIGHT now (Yes, if you are suspecting your mom, your ex, or that co-dependent client is draining your energy when you're not with them, it's probably them)

  • Your daily morning ritual to ground and protect your energy so you can go into the world feeling alive, full of light and love energy, and nothing phases you

  • Go-to Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and to help you boost your emotions, energy and feelings in a jif


Your energy is the key to every single relationship, opportunity, and level of abundance in your life. If you want to have an incredible life, you have to learn how to protect and elevate your energetic frequency.


If you're reading this, you're here for a reason. The universe doesn't make any mistakes. You were meant to see this, and you (and your energy field) needs it more than you can even imagine.

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This is for you if you are...

A lightworker, healer, or spiritual coach and you find yourself lending your energy and feeling burnt out, drained, or picking up on other people's blocks, and dense energy.


You find yourself to be emotionally or energetically senstive. You feel (and that's a good thing) but you want to get in control of the energetic experiences you're having.


You suspect that you're taking on the energy and emotions of the people in your life. You want to be there to support them, but you have big dreams and you fear that they might be holding you back from fulfilling your potential.


You can walk into any room and immediately know the energy and vibe of the room, and the people in it- and this leaves you feeling drained, or even anxious or sad when you have no reason to feel that way.


You've had interesting spiritual and energetic experiences and you're ready to learn more about the metaphysical and spiritual world so you can harness your energy, and step into your power.

Cotton Flowers


Get your hands on this amazing training before the incredible price is gone!

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